Wednesday, November 2, 2011

More flowers in spring

1 & 2:Looking down the garden from the deck.
3: Looking up towards the front along the side of the house, with diosma, pelagonium and grassy plants are my Native Grass tree (Black Boy or Xanthoria), and a native orchid.
4: Californian Poppy.
5: Foxglove.
6: Statue amongst white ground cover.
7: My lilac that has flowered for the first time since I planted the runner 8 years ago, brought from Sheffield.
8: Rock Rose. They grow well as they don't get eaten by Wallabies!

Buddha on the deck

Buddha, a bowl of crystals and rose quartz, with flowering, sweet smelling native orchids or irises, on my deck.

Cottage garden by the beach

Foxglove, succulent ground cover, rock rose (with next door's house in background) Irises, border along the side of the house, white flowered Melaleuca's and Bottle brushes in flower.

Another view of my cottage garden corner.

Spring at Primrose Sands - October/November

Photo taken today, below the water tanks, where my garden is now looking like a cottage garden. At last!! Californian poppies, pale pink and white columbines, rock rose, foxglove, grasses, and cannas in the foreground.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Back garden plants.

This is the view from my back door downstairs. There is the rain water tank, and shed on the right, and I have 2 grassy pathways leading down to the bottom of garden. In the distance you can just see the dried up lagoon, and the marshes of the river on the left.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


This is a view from the other side of the tall Kangaroo Paws, looking up the slope towards the house. The front of the house is level with the land, but the back of the house comes out over the slope, with a deck looking out over the beach, lagoon and river. The large Gum tree is across the road!


I have tried to get an overall view of the garden, which is a bit difficult due to the bushes and trees. This photo is looking from my downstairs back door, down the garden, with the Carlton River in the distance. Joey is on the dried out grass. There are red and yellow kangaroo paws, a purple buddleia, and under the bird netting is an apricot tree. The second photo is an extension of the first one, just on the right where there is a middle border, and then a grass path that goes down to the garden shed. There are cannas in flower at the moment.


This is the very first bud on my Magnolia bush that Monica gave me several years ago. I am so excited to see it!